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Laudioalde Lanbide Eskola Smart Factory

Laudioalde Lanbide Eskola smart factory primeran atera da. Gure instalazioetara hurbildu zineten enpresa guztiei eskertu behar diegu, espero dugu ostiral eta asteleheneko jardunaldiak gustatu izana. Bereziki eskertu behar diegu Kolbiko jendeari, bereziki Asier Herran, Itxasne, Ander eta Aitorri proiektu honetan izan duten inplikazio pertsonala.

Talde handi bat osatu dugu, eta ziur gaude hau dela etorkizuneko lankidetza eta proiektu bateratuen hasiera. Eskerrik asko guztioi hau posible egiteagatik

Smart factory in Laudioalde Lanbide Eskola has been a success. Thanks to all the companies that have come to our facilities, we hope you enjoyed the days of Friday and Monday. We have to thank especially to the people of Kolbi , especially Asier Herran, Itxasne, Ander, Aitor for their personal involvement in this project.

We have formed a great team and we are sure that this is the beginning of future collaborations and joint projects. Thanks to all of you for making this possible.

Laudioalde Lanbide Eskola, Kolbi, TKNIKA, Siemens, Omron Automation – México y Latinoamérica, Phoenix Contact, Beckhoff Automation, Universal Robots, CoreTigo – Industrial Wireless, Automation, Balluff EMEA